Microorganisms can originate from health care personnel and from environmental sources (Air and surfaces).A regular Micro Testing program can provide insight to a potential problem long before it brings production to a halt. Microbial contaminants found in the environment can be devastating to a final product in any production industries. Air can play a role as a reservoir for microorganisms. In addition to Air Monitoring, now a days Compressed Air monitoring is growing fast as compressed air is generally used in pharmaceutical mainly for medical device.
product and environment should be free from Microbial Contamination:
Pathogenic microorganisms can cause infections or intoxications, plays role in biodegradation and cause food spoilage and can possibly harm health and beauty of the consumers.
- Drinking-Water Analysis as Per IS 10500:2012: It includes water from any sources e.g. Bore well water, River water, Pond Water, Well water etc.
- Packaged Drinking water Analysis as IS 14543:2016
- Packaged Mineral Water Analysis as per IS 13428:2009
- Swimming Pool Water Analysis as Per IS 3328:1993 RA 2003
- Irrigation Water Analysis as Per IS 11264:1986, RA 2009
- Reagent Grade Water Analysis as Per IS 1070:1992, RA 2008
- Process Water as Per IS 4251:1967
- Purified Water as per USP/IP/BP
- Other waters- E.g. Cooling tower water, Boiler water, recreational water etc.
- Microorganisms/Contaminants involved in food spoilage are: Escherichia coli
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Bacillus cereus
- Clostridium perfringens
- Clostridium botulinum
- Vibrio cholerae
- Vibrio parahaemolyticu
- Salmonella species
- Shigella species
- Listeria monocytogens
- Total Bacteria
- Yeast & Mould
Why your product or environment shall be tested:
To ensure the product’s safety to foresee the microbiological risk linked to deterioration
Above microorganisms can lead to spoilage of below foods
- Meat & Meat products
- Fish & Fish products
- Bakery Products
- Milk & Milk Products
- Raw fruits and vegetables
- Thermally Processed Products such as Retort and MATS product
- Ready to eat/serve food
- Ready Prepared meals
- Frozen fruits & vegetables
- Ready to serve/drink beverages
How these can be evaluated
By carrying out analysis of the product by national/international standards such as Indian Standards, BAM (Bacteriological Analytical Manual), APHA (American Public Health Association), AOAC (Association of Official Agricultural Chemists).
- Total Plate Count/ Total Bacterial Count/ Aerobic Microbial Count/ Total Viable Count/ Total Aerobic Microbial Count
- Yeast & Mould Count
- Detection and Enumeration of Escherichia coli
- Detection and Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus
- Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Detection and Enumeration of Bacillus cereu
- Detection and Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens
- Detection and Enumeration of Clostridium botulinum
- Detection of Vibrio cholerae
- Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
- Detection of Salmonella species
- Detection of Shigella species
- Detection of Listeria monocytogens
- Speciality and chemical products are analysed to support the customer for research & development, for quality assurance and to comply with regulatory standards
- Migration tests of packaging material as per EU No.10/2011 guidelines & IS 9845:1998
- Assay/Purity of various chemicals
- Treatability studies for waste water plants
- Technical support for proper functioning of waste water plants
- Stability studies
- Fertilizer analysis
- Consumer Products
- Challenge Test Study
- Shelf life Study
- Efficacy test.